Direction Magazine June 2019 Issue


Welcome to the Direction Magazine, the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Church in the UK.

This high-quality magazine provides the latest news from Elim, plus inspiration, vision and teaching from the wider Christian community.

Direction is the official monthly magazine for all Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK, bringing together vision, inspiration, teaching and news from the Movement and beyond.

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Welcome to the Direction Magazine June 2019, the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Church in the UK.

This high-quality magazine provides the latest news from Elim, plus inspiration, vision and teaching from the wider Christian community.

Every issue of Direction is packed with hard-hitting opinion and information pieces from senior figures within Elim. There are also real-life stories of members around the UK and a comprehensive advertising directory. Direction is a must read every month for Elim members.

Inside Direction Magazine June 2019…

EDITORIAL Lift up your heads with Chris Cartwright

BRIDGING THE GAP IN LEEDS Steve Reilly explains how a new building is helping a growing church make a difference

NEWS from Elim and the wider church

HEALED AFTER SUFFERING 20 YEARS Ealing Christian Centre is seeing miracle healings, as two of its members explain

DIGNITY FOR VULNERABLE GIRLS Parliament launch for Elim-backed project

FROM TV PRESENTER TO SINGLE DAD Ex-Sky Sports presenter Simon Thomas puts his son first after losing his wife

THE VALUE OF SPIRITUAL FATHERS Elim minster Matt Gregor points to the mentors who helped shape his life

JOY IN HELPING YOUNGER LEADERS Leon Evans is investing in the young

SATANIST THREATS WON’T STOP ME Darren Edwards is facing challenges as he pioneers in deprived parts of Lincoln

PRAYING UP A STORM FOR BRITAIN We talk to Prayer Storm’s James Aladiran

PASSING ON YOUR ANOINTING It’s only what you give away that you get to keep, explains RT Kendall

WE HAVE TO DO MORE THAN POINT While out DIY shopping, Dave Newton discovered some keys about discipleship

DRIVING MEN TO SOLITARY PLACES Mental health issues are all too common, says Carl Longman …from experience

FAITH IS THE BEDROCK OF MY LIFE Rugby’s Byron Hayward realised that he needed to trust God after finding a tumour

GOD GAVE ME LIFE AFTER DEATH When Nigel died, Julia Lawton thought her life was over… but God had other plans

A CHILLING SLIPPERY SLOPE? Lyndon Bowring warns about the dangers of legalising assisted suicide in the UK

SHARING GOD’S LOVE IN PARAGUAY John and Rachel McDonough report on their decade as full-time missionaries

RE-DIGGING SUPERNATURAL WELLS Mark Greenwood looks at the importance of being empowered by the Holy Spirit

MUSIC REVIEWS with Ian Yates


ANSWERS with Andrew Fadoju

AND FINALLY with John Lancaster


Order your copies of Direction Magazine June 2019 issue today!


Why not appoint a representative to order copies for the members of the congregation? If your church doesn’t have a Direction Magazine representative, why not consider taking on this important role within Elim?

Direction Magazine is also available as a digital download here.

You can also get a personal subscription to Direction Magazine for a year or longer here.